A Fresh Commentary on being Sectioned in 1994 (23 07 21)

I don't recall having gone over this document since I first composed it in the late nineties but the first section (I could be wrong) seems to have been added sometime since. It is one of quite a number that I recall evidenced some kind of strange discrepant dating from about 2005 which at the time I had attributed to some kind of Computer Breakdown/Hiccup rather than hacking.

The copy I have immediately to hand should state its date of creation as sometime during the mid to late nineties along with the date of its most recent modification in its Properties tab. On examining it 16 07 21 I find its date of creation as 02 12 19 and its most recent modification 08 09 17.

So there's definitely something fully furry funny going on there ............................

The important section is the report which demonstrates firstly that a Spanish/German Doctor/Social Worker Character basically didn't grasp at all correctly what I had said. The letter from the College Official seems to demonstrate that he and his colleagues were collectively trying to cover up the fact they had already barred me from the College on an entirely fictitious basis, which significantly formed the motivation for the quite justifiable attack on the residence of a Colleague of his, and the letter to the local Rag instances some attempt to have them taken to task. Ms Kupersmitt looked Spanish and I had put her down as a Daughter of a Messerschmitt Pilot from the Spanish Civil War: what was of the fact that she absolutely reeked of stale sweat to such an extent it was completely sickening.

A brief reiteration of the circumstances consists of stating that a Senior Lecturer had rather over optimistically booked me in for a full time A level Course 92-3 when he should rather have endorsed various other statements I had made about the hopelessness of my personal circumstances centring on the remark that my Father had illegally booked public housing in my name before fleeing the Country in '83 and that the Lawyer charged with defending me against the charge of having technically burgled it in the course of seeking to cope with the ensuing situation, had refused to honour my right to any defence. This Senior Lecturer Bob Dumper (now deceased) was a friendly acquaintance of the people I had been forced to work illegally for during the previous decade and seems to have been trying to orchestrate some solution to my career situation and my family's associated problems perhaps a bit too much for his own self glorification and certainly with too little appreciation of the realities of my personal history. It could have easily worked out, it nearly worked out, but it didn't; after more than a decade of trying to get an A level to qualify for University I had just walked out of the Exam Hall and refused to sign the English Exam Paper being unhappy with what I had produced.

That was probably a mistake and it might have been marked quite well insofar as good handwriting doesn't necessarily signify something that might impress an Examiner but there you are.

The reference to the fact that a more Junior Lecturer had been regularly turning up a half hour late over the academic year 91-2 was an almost irrelevant aside and he, may for example have been quite justifiably trying to avoid several demanding Aunts and my Mother seeking to suggest I had no problems because I was doing something legitimate: it seems now that all my relatives of the preceding generation were seeking to launder the events of the previous two decades. I had not appraised any significant relevant proximity of conversation about the Trial of Messrs Suttle and Ellis for butchering a down and out which he may also have been trying to avoid until the Summer of '93; at the beginning of that year I had only vaguely heard of it and had been fastidiously trying to avoid civic affairs since '82. Drawing attention to certain of the circumstances appertaining to their much derided acquittal was also partly the motive for the attack. Among other things I didn't realise that Ellis was someone I recognised as having a significant number of mutual acquaintances until I saw him in Town in the late Summer of 93. The Junior Lecturer whose name was Trevor Grimshaw was affectionately known as Shakespeare in the Artists Quarter adjacent the College because of his distinct resemblance to the Immortal Bard, may also have been thinking of giving me an opportunity to see if I could Lecture satisfactorily on one or two of the texts I was more familiar with as I was already in my late twenties; he may have also, or perhaps more likely, been seeking to evade my Father's attempt to fabricate an appearance of academic legitimacy/respectability that would pass the superficial scrutiny of his Employers in Thailand.

I had tried to ignore the lies about my mailing threats to College Staff in the Spring of '93 and the notification of debarment came from a fat little hairy objectionable by the name of John Norman who'd only just appeared in the district and knew little of the nature of my association with the College since September of 81. It had seemed a reasonable deduction that he was reacting to my complaints about his Wife's negligent management of the Student's Union; I wasn't trying to take some unusual or discrepant sort of interest in the intake of teenage Students but I never actually discovered what it was the Union actually did. As far as I know his shitty lies were not endorsed by anyone who did know me at all so I enrolled again on a part time course in September of 93 but was escorted off the premises at his instigation: quite frankly the unpleasant deceitful creature should mess off back to whatever freezing, barren, dung covered northern hillside he happens to have crawled offof.

I didn't say anything about drugs and don't even recall having been asked about the subject. From reading the report again recently I get the impression that I was mixed up with someone else somehow for some reason. It rather sounds a bit like someone providing an explanation for the frenzied and fatal knife attack on Perry Mason in a downtown Churchyard in the Winter of 92-3 I believe it was. I most certainly deny having made such a garish confession and drugs were nothing to do with the episode: I did have a nip of Brandy to nerve myself to the task but wasn't by any means at all drunk.

I had firstly thought the tale Mr Norman invented was motivated by simple desire to get of someone who looked too much like a Tramp after decades of rough living when the staff were collectively beholden to a right wing County Council and a longstanding Tory Government with certain conservative ideas about respectability. What had been put about concerning myself was as I have consistently reiterated, hopelessly overoptimistic; in 1993 I had never known anything but neglect, abuse, squalor and poverty. By the mid nineties I had managed to establish myself in a Flat with a bit of room in it a little way off the beaten track and was or would have been much better able to justify the attention of Lecturers. That some evil star seems to have exerted some kind of malign influence over my existence is perhaps exemplified by the maladroit organisation of attempts to obtain qualifications. I had probably helped loads of people obtain qualifications without ever getting any myself and have often commented that the practice of awarding qualifications on the basis of handwritten essays was rather a test of temperament than intelligence.

As for getting the Doctors to agree I wasn't dangerous, well the simple fact remains that if they and the Welfare support services had been doing their Jobs properly I would never have been to the College in the first place ! Mr Norman's shitty deceit should have been greeted with the contempt it deserved and it is to the everlasting shame of his Colleagues that they did not do so.

I tried to forget about the sectioning episode and didn't bother to try and claim any extra money.

What catalysed my sneaking up on one of Mr Norman's colleagues who lived nearby after the perpetration of his despicable and damaging deceit was the fact of her constantly sneering at me from the window of her Morris Minor. As I say I had tried to treat his malicious lies as a joke and I like a good joke so I had thought it would be funny if I woke them up at the crack of dawn by smashing in a couple or three ground floor windows and putting the fear of bejeezus into them in which respect I understand I was quite successful: I could have added much to make this considerably more entertaining, such as some recorded explosions, screams and death threats.

The College Staff had already collectively and officially treated me as a dangerous person so what did I have to lose ? Not a lot ! There was also the fact that in respect of my experiences with my so called Defence Lawyer that it might be better to speak directly to a Magistrate about certain festering criminal intrigues, and this was also a significant motive for the attack/practical joke in that I just sat outside waiting to be arrested. If I had succeeded in this objective it might have mitigated somewhat the Crime Wave/Murder Epidemic which has subsequently descended on the Town.

There's likely a fair bit I could add here in time in that for instance I must have some of the original documents somewhere. I was pointlessly detained for maybe a week or more but the fact the medical staff have clearly gotten so many facts wrong is really quite a frightening precedent ............................